In the Hawaiian mind, rights and responsibility are one and the same. They are two sides to a coin, dependent upon each other. The Hawaiians call this KULEANA. These are my Kuleana. They concern me, they inspire me, they ask of me a simple question….

Makana’s newest album Pūlama: Legacies of Hawai’i celebrates the rich heritage of kī hō’alu (slack key guitar), ‘ukulele and leo (voice). Inspired by legends of the Hawaiian music renaissance like George Helm, Gabby “Pops” Pahinui, Dennis Kamakahi and The Sunday Mānoa, Makana’s sublime solo performance offers heartfelt homage to the true spirit and sound of the broad traditions of Hawaiian song.
slack key
Spain features Flamenco. Brazil boasts Bossa Nova. Hawai'i has Hawaiian Slack Key. An art form with indigenous Hawaiian origins of over 150 years, Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar or Kī Hō'alu was born when the Mexican vaqueros (cowboys) gifted their Hawaiian counterparts with the guitar who then adapted and evolved it. After long days managing cattle on Maui and Hawai’i island ranches, they would often spend evenings playing music together by the campfire.

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